Learning theory - Dollard and Miller (1950)
Operant conditioning:
- Behaviourist, worked with rats, placed rat in cage.
- When rat pressed lever they got food.
- Repeated for food
Operant conditioning: behaviour =reward
Positive reinforcement: repeated
Negative reinforcement: not repeated due to punishment
-In reference to humans the child realises the person supplying the food becomes a source of reward and the infant becomes attached
Classical conditioning -learn through associationPavlov:
Dog associated keeper footsteps with meal
Unconditioned stimulus (reflex) =milk
Unconditioned response= satiation
Neutral stimulus= person feeding them
Conditioned response= pleasure and relief
Harlow (1959)-8 infant monkeys until 8 months.
-2 surrogate mothers, wire food and blanket.
-When frightened, monkey ran to blanket mum and formed attachment.
modelling, observation, imitation BANDURA.
Evolutionary explanations
Attachment helps for babies survival, ensuring food and safety. Also provides template for future relationships. Similar to Lorenz' imprinting.
Bowlby- 3 important features
- infants and carers are programmed to become attached
- as attachment is a biological process, it takes place during a critical period of fevelopment or not at all.
-attachment plays a role in later development- monotropy and the continuity hypothesis.
Any inherited behaviour that increases an individuals chances of survival and reproduction will be passe don to the next generation.
-the result is infants are both programmed to become attached and adults are also programmed to form this relationship.
Support for the continuity hypothesis:
Hazan and Shaver (1987): LOVE QUIZ
Aim: to investigate the continuity hypothesis
Procedure: To complete a 'love quiz' in american paper reporting on 3 descriptions applied to feelings/experiences about romance and adjective checklist about childhood relationship with parents.
Randomly selected from paper p's and students.
Result: found strong relationship beyween childhood attachment and adulthood attachment type.
-secure: loveable
-anxious avoidant: depressing
-anxious ambivalent: fell in love easily
Support for monotropy:
schaffer and Emerson 60 GLASGOW BABIES
65% first attachent was mother
3% babies from with father
27% joint attachment
Separation anxiety shown at 6-8 months =attachment formed.
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